La Verendrye Map

Find the map useful? Send me a few bucks on Pay Pal :
  • you still need paper maps for canoe tripping! Buy them!
  • Currently maps 1,2,3 and 8 are entered. Missing are 4, 6 and 7. I do not see a map 5 in the map index.  If you want me to create a google map for any of the missing maps please contact me.  I'd ask you to call World of Maps and pay for the map and ask them to set it aside for me.  I will go in and get it and then create a google map for it.
  • Reservable campsites are shown in green, all others in blue
  • Distances on routes are between intersections or portage points or both
  • the only major feature currently missing from the paper maps is the beaches. I am still trying to figure out the best way to show those without making the map even busier than it is.
  • Portages are marked both with the route as well as a GPS portage point at the beginning of the portage. Both ends of the portage are not marked just for the sake of keeping the map less busy. So the beginning end of the portage is determined by the recommended direction to do the circuit.

Individual Trips


  1. Very cool! Thank you for creating this.

  2. Thanks so much for the use of these maps.

  3. Thank you!! I just reserved a site over the phone and had no idea where it was until now! I've ordered a paper copy but this is great info!

  4. Hello! Thanks for all your hard work. I have a question about having a map made for guide map #4. I truly don't understand how to get it made through world of maps. when I type la verandrye it doesn't even take me to the right location and I can't search it on a map either...Am I dumb or is it harder than it seems? Btw I am planning on trying circuit 78 in a couple weeks and I the official website to be horrible and not user friendly at all so any help is very much appreciated :)
